Livescribe: 3 Subject Notebooks Letter Sized (4-Pack)

Item Information
Item#: 892515002415
Colour Assorted
Section Assistive Technology
On Hand 20
On Order 0

3 Subject Notebooks Letter Sized (4-Pack)

These single subject notebooks come in a pack of four, each with a different colour cover (dark blue, red, black, and orange) and unique dot pattern from the inside front cover all the way through to the inside back cover. Livescribe smartpens only work with Livescribe dot paper. Use it to activate all smartpen applications.

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Single Subject Notebooks
Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
Cover Colors
Dark blue, red, black, orange

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Type Single Subject Notebooks
Size Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
Paper Type Perforated dot paper, college ruled, three-hole punched
Cover Colors Dark blue, red, black, orange
Included Pack of 4 notebooks (Single Subject No. 1-4)
Additional Features Divider with 2 storage pockets, Compatible with Livescribe smartpens
Note Your smartpen can carry up to 8 Single Subject Notebooks (No. 1 through 8) at the same time. Please do not use two identically numbered Single Subject Notebooks at the same time because the smartpen will recognize any identically numbered Single Subject Notebook as the same notebook.



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